“This prompt template gives you everything you need to create a cinematic image that tells a story of vengeance and retribution in a bloody battlefield. Here’s what you get:
Your “Prompt Name” is your headline—it should grab attention and instantly explain what your prompt does. Keep it specific, concise, and easy to understand. Skip vague names like “Cool AI Prompt” and focus on the key benefit or functionality. Always include the AIBasePro AI solution used in your title—if you forget, we’ll add it for you.
For example, if your prompt generates LinkedIn posts via Japer.AI’s Copywriting feature, a great name would be: “LinkedIn Post Generator for Post-Event Content via AI Copywriting with Jasper.AI.” This makes its purpose crystal clear.
The logo typically represents you as the seller, helping buyers recognise your brand or identity. However, it’s entirely up to you—choose a logo that best fits your style or the prompt you’re offering.
Here’s an example:
Your preview images are the first impression of your prompt—think of them as your ad campaign. Make them compelling, clear, and visually engaging to draw buyers in. To protect your work, we’ll add a watermark while keeping them perfect for showcasing your template.
We recommend at least 3 preview images.
Here is an example:
What is a Related AI Solution?
A “Related AI Solution” links your prompt to the AI solution it’s designed for. We only accept prompts that work with AI solutions listed in the AIBasePro AI Solutions database.
Why is this important?
This ensures buyers know exactly where and how your template can be used.
For example, if your prompt generates images with Midjourney’s AI image creation, it would be related to the AI Image Generation with Midjourney solution.
In this section of the prompt listing form, you need to specify the exact version(s) of the AI model required to use your prompt effectively. Some prompts are optimised for or only compatible with specific versions, so providing accurate details is essential.
Here is an example:
If your prompt is designed for GPT-4o, write “OpenAI GPT-4o” in this field to guide buyers.
This section is where you provide a clear and compelling explanation of what your prompt does. Describe its purpose, key features, and any specific benefits it offers to buyers. Think of this as your sales pitch—concise, informative, and engaging.
Here is an example:
Instead of simply stating “Generates epic war images” try:
“This prompt template gives you everything you need to create a cinematic image that tells a story of vengeance and retribution in a bloody battlefield. Here’s what you get:
What is a Usage Tag?
Usage tags help categorise your prompt, making it easier for buyers to find.
How to Use Usage Tags?
Choose tags that best describe the primary use case or application of your prompt. Be specific and focus on its core functionality.
For example, if your prompt is for writing blog posts, use usage tags like “Content Creation” or “Writing” to clearly communicate its purpose.
What is a Prompt Template?
A prompt template is a ready-made input designed to work with a specific AI solution.
How is a Prompt Template Different from Static Prompts?
Unlike one-off static prompts, a template includes customisable elements—marked in [square brackets]—so buyers can adjust it to their exact needs. This help users get consistent, reliable results while remaining flexible and adaptable to different needs.
How to Use Prompt Templates?
Your template should be:
Here’s an example:
“A cinematic movie poster set on a desolate battlefield at [TIME OF DAY], depicting a central [CHARACTER] kneeling over a fallen enemy soldier in a dramatic pose of grief and vengeance. The [CHARACTER] is in [HIS/HER] [AGE-RANGE], with [HAIR DESCRIPTION], a rugged, weathered face, and [FACIAL FEATURE].“
This is where you explain how someone can use your prompt. Tell buyers exactly how to customise and use your prompt. Break it into clear parts with placeholders in [square brackets]. Keep it simple and show examples—people need to see it to use it.
How to Write It:
What is a Sample Prompt?
A sample prompt is a fully written example of what your template can produce when filled out. It shows buyers the quality, detail, and style they can expect from your prompt. Think of it as the “finished product” that brings your template to life.
What is a Sample Output?
A sample output is the result generated when your sample prompt is used with the AI tool. It gives buyers a clear picture of what they can expect when they run your prompt. Think of it as proof of how well your template works.
To ensure quality and usability, we only approve prompt templates, not static prompts designed to produce one specific output.
A prompt template is dynamic by design. It includes customisable elements—marked in [square brackets] — so buyers can tailor your prompt to fit their exact needs. This flexibility ensures your template remains versatile and relevant across various use cases.
Here’s an example of a prompt template for creating fantasy landscapes:
“A detailed [SETTING] landscape with [FEATURES], inspired by [ART STYLE], vibrant colors, ultra-high resolution, cinematic lighting, and a sense of [MOOD OR EMOTION].”
Issue: Prompts that are poorly structured, disorganised, or hard to follow confuse buyers and lead to inconsistent outputs.
How to Fix: Format your prompt with clear sections, line breaks, and logical flow. Use bullet points or numbered steps for clarity.
Issue: Your prompt doesn’t match the information it’s listed for, which confuses buyers and wastes their time.
Example: You submit a writing-focused prompt but list it under “AI Image Generation with MidJourney”
How to Fix: Make sure your prompt fits the AI solution.
Keep it simple: Match the tool with the job. No one uses a paintbrush to write a book.
Issue: If the sample outputs produced by your prompt are unclear, repetitive, or lack polish, the prompt may be declined.
How to Fix: Test your prompt thoroughly with the AI solution. Refine and tweak it until the outputs meet a professional standard. Include strong sample outputs that showcase its potent.
Issue: Prompts submitted without required sections—such as instructions for use, related AI solutions, or examples—cannot be approved.
How to Fix: Ensure all form boxes are filled out, including:
Issue: Prompts containing prohibited content (e.g., inappropriate language, copyrighted material, or unrealistic claims) will not be accepted.
How to Fix: Follow the platform guidelines. Keep content appropriate, original, and within the AI solution’s capabilities.